Wednesday, November 16, 2011

1st of June. 17th Day. (Wednesday)

8:10pm. Hehe! It's already June. =p
Today CB class was fun. I sorta mastered Juggling. ^_^ Amir & Zul are still that cute! =)
Today lesson was about receiving and giving. Teacher asked to give away the sweets we got, I did not. XD Whereas for my group, the boys gave away theirs. Among them, Kelly was the only girl who was generous enough. Haha ops. At the end of the lesson, teacher distributed the whole bottle of sweets to those who gave away theirs. Sad case, haha! But then later some of them were kind enough to give me some. =p hehe

Today afternoon we learned taekwondo. =x lol, fun.
Played chess during riadah with the boys. Won 2 rounds Whee! =p

[some happenings and conversations are not being shared for privacy purposes]

x --- x --- x --- x --- x --- x --- x --- x --- x --- x 

11:40pm. Phew, done doing laundry list.
Just now we got ready for CF, but Terrence & Eric did not show up =.=
So instead we stayed in canteen and had fun juggling. =p Tired giler.

P/s: Gonna shift dorm soon, to Jelebu 3! ^_^
